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Miss Mae blog updates 2008.

January 13, 2009

Updating this nov2008;miss mae profile.

  • Updating my pictures and stuff with new artworks and etc okay dollz or myspacers friends and my real friends as well okay people.Restyling some pictures of me and also of garfieldhs rams akron pictures and my favorite teachers and why their my favorite okay people ??? Revamping my friends pictures again very soon soon.Revamping dmc44306 in Jan 2009.*smile =D*
  • Sometimes I repeat myself okay and I don't know why I do that alot.Maybe because know one really reads my blogs or look at my pictures and stuff okay.Check out my pictures,stuff and leave me some pictures comments on miss mae profile okay my amis.Amis means friends in french if you did not know that okay.Thank you guys.
  • The number one thing is the inner beauty that know one really see or knows about a new friend,old friends or in just anyone you really know know.Some people like you because might thing your cool or etc.Also second thing I like some one who can make me laugh..ha ha *lol*.The three thing is some who would be your friend - enough the fact is you can get alot crazyish in a way.The four thing is just be...


Tags: donnamae, megaprofilepages, missmae, myspacersblog, nov2008

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